Tuesday, June 1, 2010


So its about 2:00AM, and I'm waiting for Glee to air! Glee 21 Episode.
I'm crazy about GLEE! I love all the cast, they're amazing.
Although, not to watch on air, just waiting to download it. Last week episode was phenomenal, the 'GaGa' episode. They did a great job with all the clothing, but the episode is not good as "The Power of Madonna".
Too bad that 'GaGa' episode includes just 2 songs (Bad Romance & PokerFace) but the 'Madonna' episode was..WOW! I loved the part where Finn & Rachel walks through the corridor while singing 'Borderline/Open your heart'. The 'Madonna' look-alike stunts looked exactly the same.. well not the same, atleast the clothing were.
I really liked how they used the episode, how they describe Madonna & her power. The way they used the songs were absolutely amazing!
Sue (the coach) was amazing, they did a great job on 'Vogue'. Exactly the same!
Check out the comparison here:

'The Power of Madonna' episode & soundtrack went on Billboard no.1!
Alright readers, I'll be waiting for Glee 21 episode. Make sure to purchase 'The Power Of Madonna' through amazon or ebay!

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