Thursday, June 3, 2010


I was on Facebook, and there was this advertise on the side saying 'You like La roux? Listen to this'.
Check out her video clip below:

Cascade - Deluka.
Great song.

Christina Aguilera using Madonna for promotion?

Good morning readers.
Last week I downloaded Christina's latest album 'Bionic', It's really a shame that Christina Aguilera didn't promote the album well. Although she appeared on Oprah but the performance was wacky. The album got some great songs, some Gwen Stefani-ish.
I'm sure everyone saw 'Not Myself Tonight' video clip, Christina mentioned that the video clip is inspired by Madonna's video clips. The video clip includes some elements from Madonna's video clip, such as 'Express yourself' , 'Human Nature' & 'Like A Prayer'. Somehow she did look like Lady Gaga but I think she used Madonna as in excuse. I don't if everyone saw 'Not Myself Tonight' Canadian single cover, its exactly like 'Erotica' album by Madonna in 1992.
Christina Aguilera on Madonna:
“One of my favourite videos ever is ‘Express Yourself’ by Madonna which came across as really strong and empowering which I always try to incorporate through my expression of sexuality,” Aguilera said.
“I love the direct reference I made to Madonna with the eye glass moment and the smoke and stairs. I was paying tribute to a very strong woman who has paved the way before.”

GAZA: Michael Heart.

Remember that people are suffering and yet still we don't thank god for what we have.
Check out this clip of 'Gaza':

We will not go down by Michael Heart.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

LEGENDS & ICONS of all time.

Remember the old days? The old shows?
Khaly Gmasha, 5araj walam ya3od , dars 5o9o9i, Irgaya Oo Sbeecha & so on!
One of my favorite shows of all time is 'Khalty Gmasha', a friend told me that 'Khalty Gmasha' was broadcasts in Europe. People in Europe used to watch it! It's one of the most famous shows in Kuwait! & ofcourse most memorable show.
Those were the real shows, unfortuanetly not like today.
Let me break down the current shows, It must include sex, scandal, drugs & alcohol! Thats the Kuwiati society? Where are the legends? the icons? the real actress/actors?!Where?
It's rare to find a good show, but thank god 'Um el-Banat' came along. The actors were amazing, they looked natural & the story was touching. Really loved it. These kinda shows must be brought back to Kuwaiti TV's & these kind of actors should be out! Unlike today..
All we can see cheap, sluts & whores trying to be actors. & ofcourse don't forget the full make up! She wokes up with full make up, she's going to bed and yet still full make up. You think that beautiful?
Rated R (Rihanna's album) is forbidden to enter Kuwait and yet they show this on a international tv?
Here, watch a scene from 'Khalty Gmashaa' & see how good they were, how iconic they were! :

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

MTV True Life: Resist the Power! Saudia Arabia. - Review.

Okay, as I mentioned that MTV TRUE LIFE had an episode about lifestyle in Saudie Arabia. Umm yes, its creepy.
Thats how they live!? El7amdela 3al-Kuwait <3.
Its really sad to know that there are people who wants change in their country but its impossible to. I really didn't know that shops close during prayers, like everything stop during prayers. I also didn't know that a girl can't drive a bike in KSA?
It's been long since I went to Saudie Arabia. I usually go to AL-KHOBAR. But it's been longtime since I went to Riyadh. The whole episode was shot in Jeddah & some in Bahrain during the Metal/Rock show. Theres nothing wrong with having coloured 3abaya, better not to have mini skirts! .Nothing wrong with having Metal/rock bands. Atleast its better to have these instead of .... you know. But the idea of a guy meeting a girl is kinda complicated, especially in public.
These kids got ambitions, desire and goals to achieve!
I don't know if someone already saw the episode but here's the link again:
Just copy the link.
I'd really like to know what you guys think of it, there's nothing more I can tell.


So its about 2:00AM, and I'm waiting for Glee to air! Glee 21 Episode.
I'm crazy about GLEE! I love all the cast, they're amazing.
Although, not to watch on air, just waiting to download it. Last week episode was phenomenal, the 'GaGa' episode. They did a great job with all the clothing, but the episode is not good as "The Power of Madonna".
Too bad that 'GaGa' episode includes just 2 songs (Bad Romance & PokerFace) but the 'Madonna' episode was..WOW! I loved the part where Finn & Rachel walks through the corridor while singing 'Borderline/Open your heart'. The 'Madonna' look-alike stunts looked exactly the same.. well not the same, atleast the clothing were.
I really liked how they used the episode, how they describe Madonna & her power. The way they used the songs were absolutely amazing!
Sue (the coach) was amazing, they did a great job on 'Vogue'. Exactly the same!
Check out the comparison here:

'The Power of Madonna' episode & soundtrack went on Billboard no.1!
Alright readers, I'll be waiting for Glee 21 episode. Make sure to purchase 'The Power Of Madonna' through amazon or ebay!

Rihanna: ROCKSTAR 101 !

WOW, Rihanna just released her video clip "Rockstar 101" from her latest album Rated R. "Rockstar 101" is Rihanna's 4th US single.
Love the video clip!
Check it out: